University Teacher Promotion System Led by University Presidents in the Early Period of the Republic of China: Practical Pathways and Reflections |
Li Xinran |
Institute of Higher Education Research, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China |
Abstract The early days of the Republic of China saw the emergence of a group of talented university teachers, who played an impressive part in the making of prestigious universities that are known to the world. This is not possible without the university teacher promotion system at that time as an excellent university teacher promotion system underlies the faculty development, and guarantees the education quality improvement and the university development. Historical facts reveal that university presidents back then played a leading role in the promotion of university teachers, an important feature different from that of other periods of the Republic of China.In the initial period of the Republic of China, a variety of policies and decrees ensured a relatively complete promotion system for university teachers, and provided guidance for their professional development. In the meantime, policies and decrees allow university presidents to lead in the promotion. Following national policies and decrees, university presidents devised varied and distinctive promotion systems according to realities in their respective universities. University teachers were promoted, to a large extent, through teaching, academic achievements, education background and other paths, which is in compliance with the promotion policies and decrees for university teachers at that time, and demonstrates the freedom and independence enjoyed by university presidents in leading the promotion. The underlying practical pathways are demonstrated in five aspects: the management pathway breaks through the limitations of proactive management thinking and methods; the organizational behavior pathway meet different levels of requirements and introduce effective incentives; the evaluation standard pathway evaluates the features of teachers and their academic careers; the university culture pathway reflects on cultural integration and goes beyond cultural identity; and the president self-growth pathway enables the president to assume the academic responsibilities and keep practicing the university philosophies.Such a promotion system is not perfect, yet partly thanks to the free and inclusive promotion system that values talents despite established rules, masters were born in large numbers in that period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to find the sweet spot between the standard university teacher promotion system and how university teachers educate. Educating people is the fundamental function that fails to be fulfilled by the promotion system, and constant growth and development as university teachers represents the direct function of such a system. A sound promotion system may contribute to the professional development of university teachers and high-quality advancement of universities.The innovative parts of this research are listed below. In terms of research perspective, this research discusses and then reflects on the promotion of university teachers in the early days of the Republic of China from university presidents’ point of view, to which the academic community has paid little attention. This research can thus help clarify historical facts. In terms of research content, the practical pathways behind the promotion of university teachers led by university presidents are analyzed by using facts in education history, political science, management, organizational behavior, etc., demonstrating interdisciplinary complexity. In terms of research methods, the combination of historical perspective and logic, and that of external and internal analysis help realize more in-depth and reliable research while offering fresh ideas. In terms of research breadth, this research is placed in the grander scheme of things to explore its role in modernizing China’s higher education. A broader field of research is thus expanded for playing university presidents’ role and exploring the functions of university teacher promotion system. This research aims at enriching relevant researches on the higher education system in the Republic of China and taking it to the next level by bringing back the university teacher promotion system led by university presidents in the early period of the Republic of China. Additionally, historical reference is offered for the reform of China’s university teacher promotion system.
Received: 15 November 2021
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