Abstract Teamwork and coordi nation among team me mbers with different knowl edge and expertise are of vital i mportance to team perfor mance . As teams process and organize knowl edge,the transactive me mory system combines me mbers’distributed expertise in an attempt to solve the problem of knowl edge coordi nationinteams,thereby allowi ngthe teams concernedto perfor meffectively. Although several studies have been conducted concerni ng the factors influencing the team’s transactive me mory system,little research has been reported on the effect of transfor mational leadershi p on the team’s transactive me mory system. Tr ansfor mational leadership influences not only the communication and interactions among team me mbers,but also the acquisition and sharing of teamknowl edge,which plays a key rolein shapi ng and utilizi ng the team’s cognitive structures . Results froma study of 240 company employees indicated that transfor mational leadershi p positively affected three di mensions of the team’s transactive me mory system (i .e. specialization,credi bility and coordi nation ). Moreover,the relationships were fully mediated by teamtrust and teamreflexivity. Implications for research on the team’s transactive me mory system and means to developa mature team transactive me mory system by transfor mational leadership were also discussed.