Flexibility of Tax Collection and Performance of Enterprise ESG
Zhang Yifei1, Zhang Shuanglong2, Liu Ao3
1.School of Accounting, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China 2.School of Finance and Taxation, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China 3.Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, Beijing 100142, China
Abstract:ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investment, as an important action to implement the new development concept, has increasingly become an integral part of rational business decision-making. However, when ESG behavior obligations are not subject to legal constraints, enterprises tend to prioritize productive investments with shorter-term and higher-return outcomes, such as adding mature production lines and employing cheap labor. On the contrary, enterprises tend to overlook non-productive investments such as ESG behavioral improvements with more uncertain outcomes realized over the longer run. If this tendency orientation problem remains unaddressed, it may dissociate enterprises’s moral obligations from its business decisions. Faced with the uncertainties introduced by stringent information-based tax collection and management on retained earnings, post-tax income and future investment impacts, can flexible tax policy innovations help address these issues and promote alignment between corporate self-interest and social value?Based on the panel data of listed companies from 2011 to 2019 and the generalized DID model, this paper empirically evaluates the changes of ESG performance of different tax credit companies after the implementation of the new tax credit rating policy in 2014, and analyzes the reasons for the differences and the information disclosure factors affecting the actual effect of the policy. The empirical results show that after the implementation of the new policy, the ESG performance of enterprises has been steadily improved, and the improvement is positively correlated with the tax credit rating, reflecting that enterprises with excellent tax credit have stronger enthusiasm to implement altruistic behavior. Heterogeneity analysis shows that if tax authorities use new media like Microblog and WeChat to strengthen the disclosure of A-level taxpayers, the ESG performance of enterprises will be more obvious.The marginal contribution of this paper is reflected in three aspects. Firstly, based on the comprehensive coverage of ESG performance on environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance indicators, this paper explores the impact of the New Deal on ESG performance, and enriches the empirical evidence of the construction of credit system on the shaping of corporate altruistic behavior under the guidance of flexible tax collection and management. Secondly, the paper improves the traditional difference-in-difference model and enterprise grouping strategy. Based on judging the A, B, C, D-level enterprises with web crawlers and manual collection, it applies the generalized difference-in-difference model to analyze the marginal effects of different tax credits on enterprise ESG performance after the implementation of the new policy, improving the accuracy of causal identification of policy shocks and providing empirical reference for refining future incentive measures. Thirdly, through the heterogeneity analysis of whether or not the tax authorities use new Internet media to disclose the list of A-level enterprises, it helps comprehensively identify the factors affecting the actual effect of the new policy, which can provide practical insights into improving tax credit information disclosure strategy.
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