Future Rural Construction: Element Embedding and Cooperation Between Government and Community |
Zhang Yuxin1, Liu Chuanlei2, Ma Jiujie3, Wang Chengjun2,4 |
1.College of Economics and Management, Zhejiang A & F University, Hangzhou 311300, China 2.Research Academy for Rural Revitalization of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang A & F University, Hangzhou 311300, China 3.School of Agriculture Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China 4.School of Economics and Management, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158, China |
Abstract Future rural construction assumes a pivotal role in propelling agricultural and rural modernization, constituting a novel exploration of rural revitalization. However, the current trajectory of future rural construction, defined by “digitalization, ecologicalization and humanization”, does not seamlessly align with the intricate “nine scenes” framework, necessitating further elucidation. In this process, villages grapple with a developmental quandary stemming from the challenges of fostering effective cooperations among various entities, precisely embedding essential components, and harmonizing tradition with future aspirations. Drawing upon this foundation, the paper delves into a detailed case study of the future rural construction initiatives in X village, situated in Yuhang District of Zhejiang Province. It endeavors to establish a comprehensive analytical framework centered around element embedding and the collaboration between government and community. From the perspective of new villagers, this paper attempts to intricately analyze the incorporation of various elements in the future rural construction and the interplay of government-enterprise cooperation mechanism.It has been ascertained that traditional villages and future villages are interconnected yet distinct from each other. By integrating critical elements such as human capital, data and funds, traditional villages can effectively overcome the resource challenge. By reconstructing operating protocols and main functions, key elements such as capital, knowledge, technology and labor can be integrated into future rural construction, fostering a multi-party co-construction mechanism. This mechanism sees the government taking the lead in providing public services, enterprises offering market-oriented services, and social organizations compensate for the public welfare. On the basis of coordinating idle village resources and actively conducting communication and dialogue, the orderly growth of communities is continuously promoted and a positive cooperative relationship with two-way feedback is formed. Within the village, the full potential of the original villagers is activated to develop traditional business forms through industrial upgrading, transforming them into a new type of business with distinctive village characteristics to attract, retain, and utilize talents.The research underscores that, within the intricate and dynamic power structure of rural construction, new villagers constitute a pivotal group that possesses significant economic, social, and cultural capital, thereby playing a crucial role in promoting the development. New villagers can leverage their distinctive factor advantages to collaborate with the village in the orderly reconstruction of rural spaces. This endeavor can reinstate rural cohesion, ignite the village’s internal momentum, and introduce diverse prospects for the overall development. In the context of rural construction, a preferential introduction strategy can be adopted, prioritizing the introduction of new villagers who are instrumental in elevating the incomes of villagers, communities, and bringing novel resource elements into villages. The village’s system design fosters an interest-based bond between new and original villagers, nurturing the identification and transition of new villagers’ identities through interests and emotions, creating a symbiotic mechanism and sharing the dividends of rural construction. Ultimately, this paper defines the future village, based on a comprehensive literature review, as a novel rural model spearheaded by government leadership, with collaborative engagement from villages and social entities. Grounded in government-community partnership and guided by digitization, humanism, and ecology, it leverages new, high quality productive forces to integrate diverse cutting-edge elements into rural areas.
Received: 06 December 2023
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