Cognition and Approach of Territorial Spatial Planning Inspired by the “Mind Is Principle” Perspective |
Zou Yinuo, Wu Cifang, Gu Wei |
School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract As the society and economy develop, human beings have gradually stepped into an era dominated by spiritual needs, and their demand for environmental and spatial quality is constantly rising. Consequently, to better satisfy people’s spiritual needs, a shift is to be carried out in the territorial spatial planning from “material planning” to “human-oriented planning”. This study reviews the development of territorial spatial planning by using literature analysis and deduction and induction, summarizes the development and drawbacks of traditional material spatial planning in China since the reform and opening up, analyzes the significance of spiritual needs, and then reveals the inevitability of the shift from “material planning” to “human-oriented planning”. Taking the spiritual needs of people’s aspirations for a better life as an entry point, the study explores the coupling mechanism between “Mind is Principle” and territorial spatial planning and determine the planning approach, so as to make up for the structural deficiencies of the current territorial spatial planning.“Mind is Principle” emphasizes the influence of subject spirit on everything in the universe and highly appreciates the spiritual value of human beings. The territorial spatial planning under the guidance of “Mind is Principle” takes the spiritual space as the carrier, shapes the spiritual variables into a continuous spectrum of happiness, and finally realizes an ideal and poetic dwelling which is more in line with the value orientation of territorial spatial planning in the era of ecological civilization. In accordance with the theoretical framework of “connotation-cognition-approach”, the study starts from the realistic dilemma of territorial spatial planning to support the spiritual needs of human beings, takes the idea of “Mind is Principle” as the value orientation, and aims at the growing spiritual needs of human beings in the era of ecological civilization. It constructs a theoretical framework for territorial spatial planning under the orientation of “Mind is Principle” and selects actual cases to explore feasible approaches to enhance human well-being and create an ideal and poetic dwelling under this value orientation. The “Mind is Principle” space consists of spiritual space, social space and material space, of which spiritual space is the key object of territorial spatial planning under the orientation of “Mind is Principle”. In addition, the spiritual variables and the objective well-being together constitute a continuous happiness spectrum, which is the basis for constructing a poetic dwelling. Spiritual space consists of emotional space, happy space and poetic dwelling space. Emotional space emphasizes the creation of emotional media facilities, all-age friendly space and resilient emotional facilities; happy space can be divided into happy streets and immersive space, etc.; and poetic dwelling space highlights the innovation of culture and righteousness, the construction of nostalgic homes and the shaping of spatial aesthetics.The human subjective spirit is an important variable in future territorial spatial planning. In answering the question of “how to embody humanistic care and pay attention to spiritual needs in territorial spatial planning”, this study, by deconstructing the spiritual space and theoretically exploring the spatial philosophy of “Mind is Principle”, offers a preliminary knowledge of the coupling mechanism between “Mind is Principle” and territorial spatial planning, and contributes a Chinese proposal to enrich the world’s theoretical system of territorial spatial planning.
Received: 10 July 2023
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