A New Application of Technological Innovation: Cultural Common Prosperity through Urban and Rural Integration Empowered by Digital Culture |
Xu Da1,2,3 |
1.Institute of Ecological Civilization, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300, China 2.Institute on Rural Revitalization of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300, China 3.School of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Hangzhou 311300, China |
Abstract Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has attached increasing importance to cultural construction, and the development of urban and rural cultures has reached a new stage against the backdrop of urban and rural integration and digital reform. At the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the digital economy is developing and updating rapidly, and so is the digital technology. The key measures to accelerate the realization of “cultural common prosperity” include integrating urban and rural development empowered by digital culture, boosting people's spiritual wealth through cultural development, and seeking digital approaches to innovative integration of urban and rural cultures, so as to lay a solid foundation for the ultimate realization of “common prosperity”.The present study holds that digital culture is a cultural derivative in the digital age, reflecting the current collective awareness and ways of life, thus forming a collective personality. Its core is to pass down excellent cultures that influence “the Internet of values”, which are spontaneous, interactive and convenient. As these cultures belong to the masses, they are also equal, sharable and sustainable. Under the influence of digital culture, the barriers against mutually constructive development of rural and urban cultures are gradually disappearing. However, there still exist some problems: first, the cultural mobility is blocked, resulting in a digital divide; second, the existing barriers between urban and rural cultures still remain, making cultural integration more difficult; third, it is hard to deploy urban and rural resources required for introducing digital culture; fourth, digital cultural industries in the urban and rural areas are restricted, so the construction of new scenarios of cultural consumption is confronted with challenges.This study understands the inherent driving force of the integrated development of urban and rural cultures through three aspects, namely, innovation empowerment, technology empowerment and evaluation empowerment. Innovation empowerment is creative development of theories and vivid interpretation of policies, aiming at implementing a new pattern for cultural common prosperity of urban and rural areas, which is symbolized by spiritual wealth. Technology empowerment means scenario presentation and practical application of the integration between digitized urban and rural cultures, so as to establish a system of group sharing in this regard. Evaluation empowerment focuses on the construction of a system of digitized urban and rural cultures and its evaluation indexes, which incorporates cultural integration, protection, inheritance, service and governance, and it can further evolve into various evaluation systems and indexes that are applied to different forms, scenarios, industries and subjects of urban and rural cultures.With the goal of “cultural prosperity”, multi-dimensional approaches are suggested for urban and rural integration empowered by digital culture. First, the “top-down+bottom-up” orientation can be used to guide digital development of urban and rural cultures. Second, the “smart-governance+self-autonomy” model can provide more room for governance. Third, the “decoding+translation” method can facilitate exchanges and mutual learning between digitized rural and urban cultures. Fourth, the “online+offline” channel can be utilized to promote interaction of digitized urban and rural cultural resources. Fifth, the “inclusion+sharing” concept can be applied to enhance diversified cultural identity of digitized rural and urban cultures. Based on these five approaches, it is possible to abide by the essential values and spiritual commitment of the integrated development of urban and rural areas empowered by digital culture, in its bid to achieve “cultural common prosperity”.
Received: 08 December 2022
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