Legitimacy and Ideological Construction (1921-1957): Investigations Based on the Marxist Context |
Chen Lin1,2 |
1.School of Marxism, Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou 310015, China 2.School of History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The legitimacy of governance is indispensable for any ruling party. Whether the state power is stable and orderly depends on whether it can be universally recognized. However, no matter what the purpose is, the compromise of interests cannot avoid the limitations of class consciousness itself. Therefore, the issue of legitimacy is not just a simple strategic issue but a practical issue that needs to be solved in the revolutionary practice. The most cohesive and weakest link in a country is the ideology reflected in people’s minds. It is not only the result of the direct connection between social economic form and political system, but also the prerequisite for the smooth operation of the latter. Through the alternative use of legal and “illegal” forms, flexible and pragmatic strategies are adopted to promote people’s liberation from the past ideology. Knowledge should not only stay in the abstract things in people’s minds, but it should be realistic with practical criticism. The key for the CPC to leading the people to overcome ideological problems lies in correctly handling the dialectical relationship between the ultimate goal and the practical needs. It is consistent with the requirements of this kind of educational work to fully seize and make use of the opportunity to give proper and necessary guidance to revolutionary actions. Reality itself is the starting point of all practice, and the correct view of any revolutionary action can only be rooted in the proletariat’s class consciousness, so as to ensure further development along the correct path.The process of self-education of the proletariat is destined to be long and arduous. The more widely a country is affected by traditional culture or the more deeply it is obsessed with bourgeois culture, the more difficult the process of self-education of the proletariat is. Only after being tempered in the long-term revolutionary struggle can we have a clearer understanding of the revolutionary purpose and historical mission, which is a dynamic process of constant adjustment and deepening. The CPC, based on its national conditions and its own practice, initially used economic struggle to gain the legitimacy of the revolutionary regime, expanded political encouragement to organize comprehensive political disclosure, and then trained the people to make a materialistic analysis of all classes and strata activities and all aspects of life in practice. Through constant adjustment and deepening, the proletarian class consciousness eventually became a subjective social consciousness. The CPC observes and thinks about problems from the perspective of dialectical materialism, constantly refines and summarizes the new achievements in the development process, summarizes the regular practical experience into systematic new theories and new theories, solves problems with fresh and lively Chinese style and Chinese style, which are popular with the Chinese people, and constantly writes a new chapter of Marxism’s Sinicization and modernization.
Received: 18 April 2022
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