Status and Participation Methods of Legal Experts in Judicial Digitization: A Case Study of the Procuratorial Organs |
Zhou Xiang |
Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310008, China |
Abstract The role of legal experts ought to attach much more importance in the light of judicial digitization. Procuratorial organs, for example, are banking on new digital technologies to fulfill their missions in the new era. The work of procuratorial organs in China focuses on legal supervision, takes case handling as the carrier, power restriction and rights protection as the goal, and power execution as the method.The shortcomings of the traditional optimization method of procuratorial organs lie in the lack of large-scale integration of existing resources, the over-reliance on external forces of existing tools, and the excessive time of institutional power expansion. To make up for the above deficiencies, it is imperative for procuratorial organs to make good use of digital technology so that legal experts can participate in the digitalization of judicature substantially.There are three prerequisites for legal experts to take part in judicial digitization substantially. The first is that procuratorial digitalization has stepped into the era of knowledge-assisted intelligence, with the hardware and software foundation of a unified case handling system, judicial big data based on case data, and gradually formed digital procuratorial theory. The second is to be able to switch between legal thinking and digital thinking smoothly. On the premise of mastering digital thinking, legal experts can integrate their professional experience into the digital thinking model. The third is to integrate various elements of professional scenarios into a framework. It means integrating legal basis, professional experience, and legal theory into the development of the model.The key links that legal experts participate in include the definition of professional scenes, the design of model schemes, and the construction of data sets. Legal experts with sufficient experience in handling cases first determine the scene and knowledge requirements of the procuratorial profession, transforming the difficulties in the case handling scene into the model tasks to be developed. In addition, through the dependency of multiple sub-tasks in the same professional scene, the optimization of the input feature system and the enhancement of the interpretability of the model participate in the model design and performance improvement. Finally, optimize the dataset used for model training. At this stage, the main role of legal experts is to construct professional scenes and diversified data labels for digital technology knowledge production.The participation of legal experts is conducive to producing valuable outcomes such as case clues, case patterns, and result predictions. Case clue is the beginning of legal supervision, which often restricts the activation of external supervision such as investigation supervision, trial supervision, and public interest litigation. Additionally, digital technology can help realize the transformation from individual cases supervision to class case governance supervision. Digital technology represented by machine learning is skilled at predicting results, which can assist judicial personnel to improve the accuracy of judgment, reduce the risk of misjudgment and provide more information for judgment.The aforementioned methodologies have been tested in public interest litigation, social governance, detention necessity review, and other scenarios. The methodological research on the participation of legal experts in the digitalization of procuratorial work can also provide reference for other public authorities, who also expect to carry out social governance more effectively with the help of digital technology. The more effective and safe use of digital technology to modernize social governance capabilities is a contemporary proposition facing public service departments in China. Digital technology is an essential tool for improving governance capacity, but it also requires those who exercise it to have the ability to harness it.As a result of the research on the axiology of digital technology tools, this study explores the systematic approach of procuratorial organs on how to use digital technology effectively. The present study takes the procuratorial organs as the case to study the method of introducing domain knowledge, but this methodology has universal applicability. For instance, the methodology applies to how to develop digital models that are closely related to specific scenarios and highlight the value of domain expert participation. It can also be applied to the typing of outputs to determine which model outputs are valuable for social governance. The methodology can also implement the participation of domain experts into the workflow of professional scenario definition, model scheme design, and data set construction.
Received: 12 November 2021
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