Vernacular Poetry: Exploration and Experiment of the Crescent Poetry School about Poetic Language |
Fu Xiangxi |
School of Chinese Language and Literature, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China |
Abstract Exploring the Crescent Poetry School from the perspective of language is a new trend in recent years. However, there is a common problem in this kind of research, that is, they simply fit the language phenomenon with the literary phenomenon and fail to objectively and concretely evaluate the value of the Crescent Poetry School in the history of modern new poetry. From the perspective of language change, this paper investigates how the Crescent Poetry School establishes a relationship with the language change of May 4th new poetry through the “vernacular into poetry” and what lessons have been left by the experiment of “vernacular into poetry” of the Crescent Poetry School.By examining the “vernacular into poetry”, we can find that the Crescent Poetry School inherited and expanded the May 4th new poetry language reform in the process of vernacular popularization, took “vernacular into poetry” as a new way of the new poetry language construction, and inherited and expanded the May 4th new poetry language reform from the two dimensions of time and space. In terms of time dimension, “vernacular into poetry” inherits the importance of vernacular poetry to the modernity of language, presents a close integration with modern life, and gets rid of the entanglement of vernacular/classical Chinese binary opposition at the same time. In terms of spatial dimension, “vernacular into poetry” follows the tradition of absorbing other regional languages in the early new poetry, and takes the local dialect as the main language resource, which can make up for the deficiency of Europeanized language to a certain extent.Through the two experiments of slang into poetry and Beijing dialect into poetry, the Crescent Poetry School not only established the new poetry language concept of accommodating the poet’s individual regional language characteristics and taking Beijing vernacular as the main body for the modern new poetry, but also determined the language expression of new poetry to a great extent, so that the May 4th new poetry really returned to the language noumenon. This gives the Crescent Poetry School “vernacular into poetry” two characteristics: one is the method of vernacular into sentence and vernacular into rhyme, the other is to imitate the language of the lower class. These two characteristics inherit and develop the popularization direction of the language reform of new poetry. However, it still follows the stereotype of language instrumental theory in the vernacular movement, ignoring the ideological and poetic nature of modern language, and its experience and lessons deserve attention.
Received: 16 February 2022
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