An Outline of the Theoretical Structure of Chinese Aesthetic Modernity |
Wang Jie |
Center for Chinese Literary and Arts Criticism (Zhejiang University), Hangzhou 310028, China |
Abstract In China, the study of aesthetic modernity has always been a very active field, and since the 1980s, there have been numerous papers studying aesthetic modernity. However, there is clearly insufficient research and attention to the modernity of Chinese aesthetics, and some articles are worth further discussion in the framework of theoretical thinking. Marxist aesthetics has always attached great importance to the theoretical research of aesthetic modernity. We believe that the theoretical framework of Marxist aesthetics is crucial for grasping the essence of the problem in the study of Chinese aesthetic modernity. We can conduct preliminary thinking and propose preliminary theoretical ideas from the perspectives of contemporary aesthetics and Marxist aesthetics.We can start with a few phenomena. In 2010, Kevin Anderson published an important book called Marx on the Edge, which mentioned an important change for Marx in his later years. Marx had already completed three volumes of Das Kapital, and the first volume was translated into several languages after publication, gradually exerting significant influence in the academic community. In this situation, scholars all believed that Marx should organize and publish the second and third volumes of the already written manuscript. However, at this time, Marx abandoned the organization and publication of the second and third volumes of Das Kapital and turned to anthropological research, with the background being the research and reflection on the modernization and modernity issues of non-European countries and ethnic groups. Unfortunately, in his later years, Marx’s research and reflection on modernization issues and historical materialism issues from an anthropological perspective were interrupted without completion.Kevin Anderson wrote the book Marx on the Edge based on a large amount of literature in Marx’s later years, studying and discussing Marx’s research and reflection on the modernization process of countries and nations outside Europe for more than a decade in his later years. Regarding the relevant theories of non-European modernizations, Kevin Anderson did a good research.Therefore, we believe that anthropological research methods are an important theoretical method for the study of Chinese aesthetic modernity. It requires our efforts in studying and contemplating the issue of aesthetic modernity in China from the perspective of aesthetic anthropology, conducting ethnographic analysis of the double helix theoretical structure composed of Nostalgia Utopia and Red Utopia, taking contemporary art and contemporary aesthetic experience analysis as important theoretical entry points through in-depth reading, dissection, and analysis of contemporary Chinese art, and analyzing artistic works, grasping their emotional structure. By grasping the completeness of the aesthetic experience presented and attached by the emotional structure and making theoretical analysis, we can grasp the spiritual core of contemporary Chinese aesthetics.
Received: 20 December 2021
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