Continuous Motivation for Common Prosperity with High-quality Regional Coordinated Development |
Dong Xuebing1,2, Miao Binbin3, Ni Hao1,2 |
1.Center for Research Regional Coordination Development, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2.China Academy of West Region Development, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 3.School of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the strategy for regional coordinated development has achieved remarkable results. At the historical convergence of the “Two Centenary Goals”, promoting common prosperity has become a major strategic plan for China in the new development stage. The implementation of the regional coordinated development strategy, which is expected to adapt to the internal requirements of the main contradictions and changes in our society, is the essential way to accelerate the construction of common prosperity and an effective way to make development more balanced, coordinated and inclusive. At the beginning of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, we must vigorously explore the construction of Zhejiang’s demonstration zone for common prosperity, coordinate the construction of a high-quality development pattern, and gradually improve the people-centered regional coordinated development policy, so as to lay the solid foundation for the common prosperity for all people.The spatial structure of regional economics is undergoing profound changes, which sets new requirements for coordinated regional development. In the new development stage, regional coordinated development has always adhered to the people-centered approach, followed the objective laws and the reality of regions, and continuously made the development more balanced, coordinated, and inclusive.Building a high-quality regional development pattern is to promote common prosperity. At present, the flow and agglomeration of new elements is reshaping the new advantages of regional development, and institutional innovations continue to optimize the allocation of spatial resources. In the stage of high-quality development, regional coordinated development has formed a higher level of relatively regional balance through measures such as optimizing the layout of elements, clarifying the boundary between the government and the market, constructing mechanism for coordinated development, and applying targeted measures for different regions.Improving people’s well-being creates new progression for promoting common prosperity. Coordinated regional development in the new era concentrates on the all-round development of the people and improvement of people’s well-being, so as to address common development of different regions and the sharing of quality services for people’s well-being. Focusing on the key task of common prosperity, we must deepen institutional reforms, promote the equalization of basic public services, develop a reasonable income distribution system. These measures will create equal opportunities for the people to share the fruits of reform.Giving play to the leading role of Zhejiang’s high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, “the Double-Eight Strategy”, Zhejiang stimulates the impetus and vitality of the private economy and develops new advantages in the digital economy and ecological economy. Furthermore, Zhejiang creates a new highland for the humanity economy and builds a spatial layout as well as strategic support system for high-quality development, which is expected to accumulate Zhejiang experience for promoting the national common prosperity.This article is a review of experts’ opinions at The Forum on Regional Coordinated Development Strategy in China. This forum is the first domestic conference with the theme of regional coordinated development and promoting common prosperity. It brings together experts, scholars and government officials from multiple disciplines such as geography, economics, and ecology to conduct relevant theoretical and policy discussions, which has both theoretical and practical value.
Received: 13 December 2021
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