A Research on the Evolution of Endogenous Growth and Exogenous Co-innovation in Cultural Industry Digitization |
Luo Shijian, Wang Yao, Zhang Deyin |
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The digital transformation of the cultural industry as part of the world digital economy has become a focus of industrial and academic research. Driven by several factors including Chinese cultural exports, new cultural infrastructure, and the digital economy, the government in China has conducted in-depth studies on the digitalization of its cultural industry, and prioritized strategic plans for the development of cultural industries. So far, the digitization of China’s cultural industry has experienced three important phases of development. First, a focus on the structure, cluster, and system reform of the cultural industry. Second, the protection of intangible cultural heritages and the digital collections of cultural heritages. Third, and currently is a focus on the impact of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other technologies. This entails cultural big-data platforms, digital public culture services, manufacturing of cultural smart devices, development of digital governance policies in the cultural industry, and numerous other aspects. Despite this strong government support, there are still many problems in the digital development of the cultural industry in China, such as imbalances in supply, insufficient online consumption capacity, lack of access to digital resources, lack of top-level data links, late start of digital public cultural services, and insufficient technological support for digital cultural smart devices. As a part of redressing these problems, this paper analyzed current trends and developments in digitization of the Chinese culture industries, in order to provide opinions on the situation from the perspectives of endogenous growth and exogenous synergy. The author has analyzed 700 relevant articles from Chinese CNKI databases and government documents from official platforms and public cultural service institutions such as government websites, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Network, and public cultural service agencies.Endogenous growth has been limited in this study to specifically endogenous factors in culture, importantly based on endogenous values of the cultural industry. This includes studies in the ecological and market subsystems of the inner circulation of digitalization in the Chinese industry, where China should lead the reform of the supply in the market, how to strengthen the digital governance and supervision of the management, how to stimulate the manufacture of cultural smart devices, provide supports and guidance for creators of cultural activities, and how to boost the creation of traditional culture through artificial intelligence and other technology. These five important aspects can increase the creation, manufacture, sale, distribution, and dissemination of endogenous culture, and stimulate internal factors in China’s cultural industry.Exogenous synergy of the digitalization of the cultural industry falls under the study of the exogenous factors in culture. In the ecological subsystem of the outer circulation of digitalization of the cultural industry, we should establish collaborative relationships within industry with a platform thinking-pattern, emphasize the development of multiple integrated industries, develop cultural big data platform, that provides a powerful and colorful cultural data source for multi-industry integration. We should also promote the industrial standardized acquisition of cultural resources and the storage management of cultural style resources, build a cultural industry network and a digital public cultural service platform, and support cultural consumption to drive the marketing innovation on multiple platforms.With the purpose of building a country with strong cultural power, there are many measures we could take to establish an endogenous and exogenous dual-circulation mechanism that contributes to knowledge sharing, joint cooperation and governance, as well as joint efforts in creation, and achieve a win-win situation with common prosperity, thereby boosting the digital development of the cultural industry in China. We should build an integrated ecosystem of the digitalization of the cultural industry and promote innovations in services, systems, and content of the cultural industry.
Received: 19 January 2022
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