Construction of Hierarchical Relationships among Elements, Space and Interacting Process of Network Society |
Wang Youliang |
School of International Communications and Education, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310018, China |
Abstract The construction of orderly networks of social relations is one of the focuses of current network communication research. The current research analyses and sorts results from methods of observation, description, summarization and comparative analysis to put forward the following: network society is a digital framework comprising hierarchical relationships of elements, space and interacting process; multi-level opinion leaders realize the hierarchical relationship construction of network society through “key guiding” roles such as core element configuration, individual or group spatial communication, and multiple process transformation. The element level is composed of key nodes such as communicators, audiences, media, content and technology, reflecting the stratification and personalization of individual communicators, the diversification and branding of group communicators, the precision and pre-domestication of intelligent communicators, the stratification of audiences, the mobility, intelligence and integration of media, and technical complexity, specialization, and iteration. The spatial hierarchy of network society is constituted through personal space, group space and the intelligent person scene. Personal space promotes the development of secret and cohesive individual culture, group space deepens mutual trust and cooperation, and improves the efficiency of public opinion dissemination. The intelligent person scene promotes an organic fusion between the Internet of People and the Internet of Things. Information sharing, relationship creation, and digital reconstruction form the interacting process level relationship of the network society. The process interacting of information sharing strengthens the cultural identity of the network community. The interacting process of relationship creation is conducive to the global expansion of network social relations. Digital reconstruction promotes the development of aggregated network social relations. The innovation points include the following three aspects: First, key nodes such as communicators, audiences, media, technology and content determine the development trend of the network society. Second, personal private relationships on the Internet are important factors in accelerating the organic integration and innovative transformation between algorithm technology and social culture. Personal private relationships are typically constructed through connecting profiles, conversations, short videos and live streaming on membership/group platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ etc. Opinion leaders in group cyberspace have the “boldness” to lead other members to develop a sense of social and psychological security, and to promote the formation of a stable and differentiated community psychological structure and a close and natural group culture in group cyberspace. These formations constitute the “intelligent human scene”, which closely knits a social relationship network that closely connects intelligent human people, their human brains, intelligent algorithms, with the Internet of Humans and the Internet of Things. Third is that groups and group opinion leaders exert institutional and cultural influence on members of the group through norms and values shared by the community, as well as personal views and sources of information, so that members strengthen their sense of identity, content acquisition, and point of view convergence. Artificial intelligence algorithm technologies again promote the organic integration of digital reengineering thinking and user consumption thinking, and empowers ordinary users to recreate their own robots. The digital reconstruction interacting process has the characteristics of all elements, high openness, integration, algorithmization and simulation. These hierarchical networks are increasingly dependent on a digital reconstruction interacting process, in which various levels of digital reconstruction products and scenarios become an important source of people’s consumption.
Received: 11 September 2021
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