Subjectivity Construction of Cultural Self-confidence by Cultural Self-behavior |
Han Qinzhao |
School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Cultural self-behavior is a rational stage of cultural development, a conscious state of existence in which the cultural subject recognizes and constructs a culture with conscious awareness or a way of thinking and transcendence of the unconsciousness and purposelessness of cultural self-activity. Its core lies in the reflective cognition and creative leadership of the cultural subject to the national culture. Among them, reflective cognition of culture is the recognition of cognition by the cultural subject, which includes both the active awareness and examination of the culture in the unconscious state of self and the inner grasp of the law of cultural development and the actual state of culture by the cultural subject. The creative leadership of a culture is the unfolding state of cultural self-behavior. Based on the abandonment of a certain culture and the contribution of wisdom to the world, it is the fusion of critical inheritance and creative development of culture.Cultural self-behavior makes culture move from an unconscious state of self-consciousness to a conscious state of consciousness and promotes cultural development from spontaneous and blind perceptual activities to planned and purposeful rational practice. It promotes cultural self-confidence by enhancing cultural subjects’ autonomy, consciousness, and creativity in their cultural development. Specifically, cultural self-behavior determines the national cultural identity and establishes the prerequisite for cultural self-confidence through the awakening of cultural memory and the appropriate promotion of cultural nationality. Cultural self-behavior enhances cultural stickiness through the enhancement of cultural cohesion and attractiveness to consolidate the identity foundation of cultural confidence. By enhancing the right to express cultural discourse, the right to set up cultural issues, and the right to lead cultural discourses, cultural self-behavior enhances cultural discourse power to respond to the needs of the times for cultural self-confidence.The key to the realization of cultural self-confidence lies in transforming the cultivation object of cultural self-confidence from a passive and blind other-regulated object to a conscious and active self-regulated subject. By awakening individual historicality and the “inner self ”, introducing cultural governance concepts, and cultivating the double consciousness of Chinese cultural discourse, cultural self-behavior can activate individual subjectivity, condense collective subjectivity, and forge discourse subjectivity, thereby realizing the subjective construction of cultural self-confidence.As an advanced stage in the development of cultural subjectivity, cultural self-behavior has been discussed in academic circles for a long time. However, there is a lack of a clear definition of its connotations. The core connotation of cultural self-behavior is summarized as the dual structure of reflective cognition and creative leadership of cultural subjects, realizing the interpretation of the concept of cultural self-actualization from two levels of cognitive reality and value contingency. In addition, among the many discussions on the generation of cultural self-confidence, no in-depth study has been found from the philosophical perspective of cultural self-behavior. Cultural self-behavior not only realizes the evidence of cultural self-confidence from three aspects of cultural identity, cultural stickiness, and cultural discourse, but also realizes the construction of subjectification of cultural self-confidence from three aspects of individual subjectivity, collective subjectivity, and discourse subjectivity, and promotes the generation of cultural self-confidence.
Received: 17 May 2021
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