International Communication of Chinese in the Reshaping of Global Communication Pattern |
Yu Dongxing1, Zhang Ripei2 |
1.Department of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Sanda University, Shanghai 201209, China 2.National Language Policy Research Center, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China |
Abstract The great change that has not happened in a century starts from the rise of emerging market economies represented by China, which has brought about changes in the world pattern. A new and stable international pattern will emerge because of a stronger China. International communication and national strength interact as both cause and effect. The international communication of Chinese is an important way to carry forward China’s excellent culture and enhance the international influence of China’s cultural soft power. It has played a positive role in supporting the country’s strategy of “going global” and “enhancing the country’s cultural soft power”. After COVID-19, the international situation will change significantly, the gap between China’s comprehensive national strength and that of developed countries will be further narrowed, and Chinese international communication will usher in important development opportunities.As a global public product, international Chinese language education is the core path of Chinese international communication. The fundamental way to effectively deal with its risks is to promote international Chinese language education towards folk, localization and specialization. On the one hand, the internationalization level of a language education ultimately depends on the localization level of its education in non-target language countries and regions. On the other hand, it is an objective need and an inevitable trend to promote the construction of a new high-quality system of “Chinese+vocational skills” education in the future. At the same time, we must see that although it is an important mission of international Chinese language education to improve the ability of international communication of Chinese, international Chinese language education is not the only way of international communication of Chinese. From a disciplinary point of view, Chinese international communication is obviously a cross-integrated subject covering education, culture, science and technology, international relations, communication, etc; from a career point of view, Chinese international communication has a strategic function in enhancing national image and even national soft power. It is imperative to strengthen the research on “Chinese International Communication” from the perspective of communication, and to promote the cooperation, interaction and interdisciplinary research among linguistics, education and communication. Therefore, we need new perspectives to judge and understand the complex, diverse and changing relationship between Chinese culture and other cultures.The situation we must face up to is that the convenience of globalization brought about by modern transportation and information technology has not made the culture of globalization homogenized, nor has it created a harmonious picture of the unity of all human civilizations. The global cultural landscape is undergoing its most profound transformation since World War II. History is far from over, but in the process of a new round of spiral upward. Therefore, to tell Chinese stories well in Chinese international communication, it is not to beautify them deliberately, but to build a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive image of China from the perspective of others. Telling Chinese stories well is essentially focusing on the building of national discourse capacity and carrying out precise international discourse dissemination in various fields of global governance. The significance of culture is not transcendental and fixed, but is negotiated and reconstructed in local and cross local social, economic and political processes. Every language revolution in the history of human communication has promoted the evolution of information communication order. The language of film and television was originally monopolized by a specific professional organization or even a specific country, but now it has become a resource shared by all countries and a right shared by everyone. With the accelerated process of digitalization and networking, international communication has shown three major changes: diversification of communication subjects, socialization of communication platforms, and visualization of communication languages. With the advantages of data-driven, algorithmic governance and large-scale innovation, China has the opportunity to guide the world to establish a new international communication order. In the past, China mostly carried out collective or national narrative based on the grand communication subject. One way cultural value inculcation leads to the psychological alienation of the audience. Concerned about the reshaping of the international information dissemination pattern by digital technology, through the empowerment of the global digital platform, we will form a national diplomacy with everyone’s participation and individual as the center, open up a “new situation” in the global China overall context, and tell a good story about China. The cultural output of the Internet can achieve the purpose of positive cultural output by means of grassroots and infiltrating unofficial media with the help of the public. The international communication of Chinese stories should not only focus on the institutional communication of government and non-governmental organizations, but also on those non-state actors, especially ordinary individuals, who have been marginalized in the era of mass communication. In the video era where all the people participate in international communication, China can take advantage of the historical opportunity of the transfer of the international communication technology paradigm to video communication, give full play to its comparative advantages such as data-driven, algorithmic governance, pan-media functions, and mass innovation, and guide Chinese international communication to a new era of global communication—an era dominated by China.
Received: 11 May 2022
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