Logical Evolution of Historical Form of Social Deliberative Democracy in China |
Duan Zhiwen, Zhu Yuannan |
School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Chinese deliberative democracy begins with the founding of the People’s Republic of China, develops with the reform and opening-up and the economic system reform. Under the new modes of the economic and social development in the 21st Century, it becomes mature and finalized. There are three critical changes in the form of Chinese social deliberative democracy. The first stage was the beginning of a top-down social deliberative democracy that focused on policy-making in the early New China. The second stage is the development of a bottom-up social deliberative democracy with economic construction since the reform and opening-up. And the last is the maturity of the form of social deliberative democracy, which has been promoted by the joint efforts of the government and society since the beginning of the new century. Revealing the evolution of the historical form of social deliberative democracy has great theoretical value and practical significance. This will help us grasp the historical path of the Communist Party’s deliberative democracy exploration, understand the great practice of the Sinicization of the Marxist theory of state and civil society, promote the modernization of socialist democratic politics and state governance, and enhance the international discourse right of China’s deliberative democracy.Chinese social deliberative democracy originated after the founding of New China. The Chinese Communist Party was in power and was facing a large number of tasks in national management and economic construction. In order to consolidate the political power, govern the country and develop the economy, a form of social deliberative democracy promoted by the state from top to bottom with policy-making as the center was formed.After the reform and opening-up, economic society has undergone profound changes again. On the one hand, a large number of independent interest individuals or groups hope to realize economic benefits through consultation and democratic channels; on the other hand, a large number of social interest contradictions need to be resolved through social deliberative democracy. Thus, the bottom-up social deliberative democracy which adapts to the social and civil requirements has been formed. Since the beginning of the new century, further development of market economy has brought about a diversified development of social structure, power structure and concept structure. The way of social governance has gradually developed into a pattern of common governance of market system, social system, state power system and party system. The multi-interests pattern calls for social consensus, seeking a balance of multiple interests and common divisor of the greatest interest. Social deliberative democracy has entered a new stage in which government and society work together to promote public governance.Throughout the logical evolution of the historical form of social deliberative democracy in China, we can see that the formation and development of our country’s social deliberative democracy is a conscious choice and great creation of the Chinese Communist Party based on reality and through China’s unique political democratization path. It is a development of the Marxist theory of state and civil society in China. It provides a Chinese experience and inspiration for the development of world democratic politics and world deliberative democracy.
Received: 09 August 2020
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