Institutional Advantages Manifested in China’s Poverty Eradication and the Implications for the World |
Fu Xiaxian1, Huang Zuhui2 |
1.School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2.Research Institute of China’s Rural Development, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Poverty is a universal problem confronting developing countries. China has made unprecedented achievements in eradicating poverty. A systematic analysis and summary of China’s effective measures and successful experience will be a concrete manifestation of the realization of the essential characteristics of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It will also be of great significance to promoting the continuous transformation of the institutional advantages of poverty eradication with Chinese characteristics to governance efficiency, and to continuously enhancing China’s influence in global poverty governance. Poverty eradication is a systematic project. China’s success is the outcome of full manifestation of the political advantages of the Party’s leadership and the institutional advantages of poverty eradication with Chinese characteristics.The political advantages of the Party’s leadership are systematically manifested in the responsibility system, resource input system, supervision system and performance evaluation system. Firstly, by clarifying the responsibilities of all levels, the “key minority” and all people concerned, three responsibility systems have been constructed: (1) a poverty alleviation and development management system of “overall planning of the central committee of the Communist Party of China, overall responsibility of the province, and implementation at the city and county levels”; (2) a leadership responsibility system of “Party secretaries at five levels working together to alleviate poverty”, and (3) a support responsibility system of the Party and the whole society. Secondly, the resource input system is actualized in the effective investment and organic integration of human, financial and material resources. In terms of human resources input, the dispatch of the first secretary and sci-tech commissioner effectively solves the problem of insufficient governance capacity of poverty subjects. In terms of financial and material resources, government financial input plays the main role, and coordinates financial and social organizations to increase financial investment. New land policies are implemented to give priority to land supply for poverty eradication. Thirdly, a multi-dimensional supervision system led by the Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development of the State Council and supervised by democratic parties and the communities has been constructed to carry out supervision and inspection. Finally, a hierarchical, classified, three-dimensional and multi-dimensional systematic evaluation system has been constructed, specifying the content, basic methods and application of evaluation results.The advantages of the poverty alleviation system with Chinese characteristics are fully reflected in precision identification, precision assistance, coordination and linkage, and social mobilization. Firstly, under the guidance of the strategy of precision poverty alleviation and precision poverty eradication, the Chinese government applies the “filing and recording” practice to precisely identify the poor population. Secondly, it adopts the scientific method of “Five Batches” to build a supporting system that adapts measures to local conditions, villages, households and persons, and to build a long-term mechanism for precision poverty alleviation and precision poverty eradication. Thirdly, it has built a coordinated policy system for poverty eradication and introduced a reform policy system that is coordinated with the poverty eradication campaign. Finally, with the integration and allocation of poverty-relief resources, a “three-in-one” pattern of major poverty alleviation efforts is constructed, which is constituted by three complementary aspects, namely special poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation of specific industries, and social poverty alleviation, so as to form the joint force of poverty alleviation and development.China’s achievements in poverty alleviation are an important part of the world’s poverty alleviation cause. While effectively solving the problem of domestic poverty, China adheres to the concept of a community of shared destiny for mankind, actively participates in the global poverty governance, and provides financial support and personnel training for poverty eradication in developing countries. At the same time, the strategy of precision poverty alleviation and precision poverty eradication formed in China’s practice of poverty governance provides a new approach to solving the global poverty problem, and a sample for global poverty governance.
Received: 15 January 2021
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