Abstract Finiteness , and the essential zero-sumrelationship and correlation make human beings unable to"own all the best things in the world at the same time" or "just do one thing at the same time" : road construction promotes poverty elimination while causing damage to the environment in mountainous regions ;biological crisis , however , lurks about in the settlement of nomads ; roads lead to the segmentation and fragmentation of habitats , further the crowning calamity of wild life ; the prosperity of oasis results in " biological fault" while driving the spread of desertification ; various general preferential policies for improvinglivelihoods bring about stimulus to birth . Most of the issues that western development has to tackle are non-institutional and non-technical ones that can be fundamentally solved through downsizing . We should adhere tothe principle of "having Do's and Don'ts" , shifting from the guiding ideology of "problem-solution type" to that of "solution-problemtype" , carrying out policy coordination andintegrative decision-making to optimize the overall policy effect , and seeking "solution within the system" while downsizing population and trying to avoid the transfer of crisis to nature in the campaign of anti-poverty . Many issues in the western development are all correlated and embody the universality theory fromcause to remedy , which is briefly analyzed in this paper .