Bakhtin’s Systematic Study on Reader Acceptance of Poetics |
Gong Jushan |
School of Literature & Journalism Communication, South-Central Minzu University, Wuhan 430074, China |
Abstract Compared with the theories of social object, writer subjectivity, and work ontology, the academic research on Bakhtin’s reader acceptance poetics is significantly lagging behind,which is not conducive to our comprehensive understanding of the overall image of Bakhtin’s poetics construction, and naturally it does not contribute to the modern transformation of the discourse system of contemporary literary theory with Chinese characteristics.From a macroscopic perspective, Bakhtin’s reader acceptance poetic system mainly includes three aspects: the essentialism of reader acceptance, the methodology of reader acceptance, and the axiology of reader acceptance.Bakhtin systematically expounded the essence of reader acceptance from three levels Based on a thorough discussion of the essence and methods of reader acceptance, Bakhtin systematically revealed the holistic, dialogic, and open-ended values of reader acceptance. Bakhtin believed that although readers have different levels and realms in understanding and acceptance, the highest level is to encounter “the great works”, whether it is general appreciation or positively responsive understanding. Thus, Bakhtin’s reader acceptance poetic system provides three insights: aesthetic communication is the universal essence of literary creation and its reception activities; sociological poetics is the fundamental method for engaging in literary interpretation activities; open dialogue is the fundamental demand of literary reception activities. Bakhtin systematically expounded the essence of reader acceptance from three levels Based on a thorough discussion of the essence and methods of reader acceptance, Bakhtin systematically revealed the holistic, dialogic, and open-ended values of reader acceptance. Bakhtin believed that although readers have different levels and realms in understanding and acceptance, the highest level is to encounter “the great works”, whether it is general appreciation or positively responsive understanding. Thus, Bakhtin’s reader acceptance poetic system provides three insights: aesthetic communication is the universal essence of literary creation and its reception activities; sociological poetics is the fundamental method for engaging in literary interpretation activities; open dialogue is the fundamental demand of literary reception activities. Bakhtin systematically expounded the essence of reader acceptance from three levels Based on a thorough discussion of the essence and methods of reader acceptance, Bakhtin systematically revealed the holistic, dialogic, and open-ended values of reader acceptance. Bakhtin believed that although readers have different levels and realms in understanding and acceptance, the highest level is to encounter “the great works”, whether it is general appreciation or positively responsive understanding. Thus, Bakhtin’s reader acceptance poetic system provides three insights: aesthetic communication is the universal essence of literary creation and its reception activities; sociological poetics is the fundamental method for engaging in literary interpretation activities; open dialogue is the fundamental demand of literary reception activities.
Received: 24 May 2024
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