Regret for Flowery Expressions: The Self-repentance Mentality and Literary Activities of Literati in the Ming Dynasty |
Song Ziqiao |
School of Literature, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The self-repentance phenomenon of literati in the Ming Dynasty was very common. In the literary history of the Ming Dynasty, a large number of important literati, such as Sung Lian, Fang Xiaoru, Wang Shouren, Xu Zhenqing, Wang Shenzhong, Wang Shizhen, and Yuan Hongdao experienced repentance at different stages of literary creation. Studying the causes and consequences of their self-repentance, we can analyze their psychology of creation, go deep into the creation scene of the Ming Dynasty literature, and explore the literati’s literary fashion and identity consciousness in the Ming Dynasty society, which can enrich our understanding of the details of the evolution of the Ming Dynasty literature history. The self-repentance of literati in the Ming Dynasty had multiple factors. The most common situation was that literati, as they grew older and accumulated long-term education and aesthetic shaping, examined their old works with a more rigorous perspective, leading to a regretful attitude. Some literati, under the expectation of passing down their works, inevitably placed their hopes on improving the literary quality of their works. Aesthetic self-expectations could cause internal anxiety when reviewing works, leading to a sense of regret and shame. In addition, influenced by Neo Confucianism, the study of mind and Buddhist thought had led to fundamental doubts about the value of the Wen, resulting in a belief in valuing the Tao over the Wen.The performance of the literati in the Ming Dynasty after self-repentance was completely different. They would reveal their regretful mentality in their creations through ceremonial and symbolic actions. Firstly, the most common transformation was the elimination of old works, reflecting an inherent pursuit of literary value. Secondly, literati would change their style, indicating the change of personal literary orientation. Some literati expressed their repentant attitude by abandoning writing, burning old manuscripts, and transforming cultural identities. The self-repentance of literati in the Ming Dynasty often occurred in the interaction between individuals and groups. This behavior not only foreshadowed a turning point in individual creation, but also marked a change in the style of the literary community. The self-repentance of the literati in the Ming Dynasty not only marked a change in personal style, but it was also related to the literary trends of the scholarly community. Some literati expressed their identification with the literary community through self-regret, thus entering the literary community. For example, Xu Zhenqing regretted his old works during the imperial examination and joined the He and Li camps, thereby strengthening the momentum of the first retro movement in the Ming Dynasty. Some Ming Dynasty literati also expressed their regret and abandonment of their past creations through self-regret during the creative process, which led to the decline of the influence of the literary community. The transformation of literati after self-repentance may also give rise to new schools of thought and build a new literary community centered on themselves.Analyzing the self-repentance behavior of literati of the Ming Dynasty can be used to observe issues such as the relationship between Wen and Tao and identity consciousness in the social trends of the Ming Dynasty. The regretful behavior of the literati in the Ming Dynasty reflects an inherent ideological tendency of valuing morality over literature. The Wen they regretted refers to the narrow sense of diction, because most Ming Dynasty literati who regretted themselves did not question the fundamental value of the Wen.
Received: 30 May 2023
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