1.The Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China 2.School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China
Abstract:Since the establishment of their alliance, Europe and the U.S. have differed and coordinated on various policy issues, European policies oscillated repeatedly between coordination and alienation. This paper contends that the interaction between external threats and internal differences between the alliance partners is the main variable that shapes the relations between the two, and forms four different conditions in their alliance: close, relatively close, relatively loose and loose. Europe’s policy toward the U.S. will have different orientations in different situations. The paper specifically examines Europe’s response to the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, and verifies that the interaction between external threats and internal differences in the transatlantic alliance is the key factor in determining whether Europe’s policy is coordinated with or deviates from the U.S. on the Iranian nuclear issue. During the Trump era, while Iran’s tough stance occasionally heightened Europe’s sense of threat, the conflicts between Europe and the U.S. on a series of other issues made internal differences dominate. Europe showed more deviations from the U.S. on the Iran nuclear deal. Since Biden took office, the U.S. has made concessions to Europe in economic, trade and other fields to mitigate these same differences. Concepts and methods for dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue under Biden are closer to those of Europe, and the leading role of internal differences has been weakened. At the same time, Iran’s tough response to U.S. pressure by strengthening uranium enrichment capabilities and testing ballistic missiles has enhanced Europe’s sense of external threat has begun to reach a new balance with internal differences, and so the European-American alliance has been developing into a relatively loose relationship, showing more deviation than coordination on the issue of the Iran nuclear deal. The fluctuating nature of European policy toward the U.S. has important implications for China-Europe relations under the background of Sino-U.S. strategic competition. That is, the severity of internal differences between Europe and the U.S. is weakened and policy coordination is increased, but the “China threat” variable in European-American relations does not occupy a dominant position, the coordination between Europe and the U.S. in China policy is limited. Facing the challenges of forming policy on European countries, the conclusions are that China should continue to maintain strategic patience and concentration, and respond in a rational, positive, and moderated way to reduce the differences between China and Europe. China-Europe relations will consequently not fall victim to the context of Sino-U.S. strategic competition. Europe’s ambition to pursue strategic autonomy and to stick to its own position on major issues can not only alleviate the unnecessary contradictions and conflicts between China and Europe, but also reduce the likelihood of the exploitation of these divergences by the U.S.
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