Modeling for Neural Processing of Chinese Logogriphs
Wang Yizhen1, Wang Xiaolu2,3,4
1.School of International Studies, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China 2.School of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015, China 3.School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 4.School of Humanities & Communication Arts, Western Sydney University, Penrith NSW 2751, Australia
Abstract:A Chinese logogriph is a type of word riddle with the answer of a single Chinese character. The Mimian of a logogriph is usually a conventional phrase, but vividly implies the graphic, phonetic or semantic traits of the Midi character. Making and solving logogriphs reflect the complexity of human cognition, so it is necessary to explore the cognitive mechanism of Chinese logogriph processing. Although there are some empirical studies on logogriphs, almost all of them use a logogriph as a tool to examine the phenomenon of insight rather than interpret it as a linguistic phenomenon. However, by analyzing the procedures and results of these experiments, we can use them as a basis to explore the cognitive neural mechanism of logogriphs comprehension.Some studies divide the process of logogriph comprehension according to a “four-stage model of the creative process”: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. With reference to this classification criterion and based on the results of previous empirical studies, this paper attempts to construct a dynamic cognitive model of logogriphs and further explore the linguistic features reflected therein. By analyzing the brain regions activated, EEG components and their corresponding cognitive features involved in the four stages, the article finds that the cognitive process in the above stages can outline the whole process of Chinese logogriph comprehension, in which the illumination period is the critical period for successful logogriph solving. However, since guessing logogriphs is a word game, it is not only a matter of insight in the traditional sense, but also a subversion of conventional linguistic processing. If the logogriph solver is inspired and her/his insight occurs, s/he can figure out the unconventional meaning (Midi) by inhibiting the conventional meaning (Mimian).Therefore, the cognitive mechanism of logogriphs is closely linked to language processing, in which there are three key points: First, the core of logogriph insight lies in the competition between character-centered meaning and word-centered meaning: only by transcending the traditional conception based on word and returning to the meta-linguistic conception based on single character, and by splitting and combining words in the meta-linguistic sense, can we understand the essential skill of creating and understanding logogriphs, which is the core of logogriph’s insight. However, unlike non-literal language constructs such as metaphor, irony, or humor, whose non-literal meaning is often metaphorical, the non-literal meaning of a logogriph is in essence a retreat to the meta-linguistic forms in the beginning of character-creation. This is precisely how the logogriph processing mechanism innovates the non-literal language framework, i.e., the meta-linguistic meaning can exist at the same level of non-literal meaning as the metaphorical meaning. Second, the focus of logogriph insight is on the encounter between conventional and novel meaning: logogriph insight involves the conflict and transformation between the conventional literal meaning of the Mimian phrase and the novel non-literal meaning needed to get the Midi, and the focus of logogriph solving is to suppress the former meaning as well as to discover and verify the latter, i.e., a process of creative thinking in terms of word slicing and meaning construction. Third, the achievement of logogriph insight is by the cooperative work between the right and left hemispheres: the process of logogriph comprehension is a leap from the left brain to the right brain. The left hemisphere is often related to basic linguistic processing such as comprehending sentence structure and meaning, but the right one is responsible for the associative and analogical functions to make logogriph insight truly successful, and both parts work in synergy to accomplish the logogriph comprehension. In summary, the logogriph processing has similarities of other Chinese non-literal language processing as well as its own specificities.
王艺臻, 王小潞. 汉语字谜神经加工过程与建模[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2022, 52(2): 100-109.
Wang Yizhen, Wang Xiaolu. Modeling for Neural Processing of Chinese Logogriphs. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2022, 52(2): 100-109.
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