Abstract:Urban built-up areas that house Large-scale Archaeological Sites represent significant geographical units known for their rich cultural heritage and assets. These areas are multifaceted, integrating diverse functionalities related to production, daily life, and the environment. Existing researches primarily focus on case studies or single-dimensional temporal/spatial analyses within these urban built-up areas. However, there is a notable lack of systematic examination of various forms of spatial injustice, such as spatial overlap, spatial compression, spatial isolation, and spatial alienation, which frequently arise during their conservation and transmission processes. This analytical gap can obscure the distinction between factual and value judgments, leading to a distorted understanding of their underlying nature and, to some extent, hindering the balance between conservation, utilization, and the sustainable development of Large-scale Archaeological Sites in urban built-up areas, as well as the unity of spatial justice and social equity.Based on this, this paper is guided by the various spatial injustice phenomena occurring in current large-site areas, adopting a technical route of “identifying manifestations→analyzing issues→revealing the essence”. Under the guidance of Marxist theories of spatial justice, this paper integrates theoretical explorations on the conservation and utilization of Large-scale Archaeological Sites in China with China’s specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. It systematically discusses the interactive relationship between preserving Large-scale Archaeological Sites and social development in China. Firstly, it conducts a critical heritage study on the relationship between physical space, spiritual space and social space in urban built-up areas with Large-scale Archaeological Sites, and exploratively proposes that spatial justice in these areas encompasses three dimensions: the diverse interactions between public interests and the practical use within the limited production field; the pursuit of fairness and justice in value and humanistic care within the power space field; and the coordinated development of multidimensional spaces and resource allocation under closed symbolic capital. Secondly, starting from the Marx’s theory of justice, this paper exploratively addresses the relationship between factual judgment and value judgment in a study of spatial justice in urban built-up areas with Large-scale Archaeological Sites. It identifies prevalent phenomena of spatial injustice, such as spatial overlap, spatial compression, spatial isolation, and spatial alienation, as well as three major issues: institutional conflicts, imbalances in development strategies, and lack of social support. Thirdly, through theoretical and practical analyses of spatial transformations and social adaptations during the heritagization process of urban built-up areas with Large-scale Archaeological Sites, this paper reveals the essential issue: these areas possess multiple aspects of publicness and externality. Local governments often prioritize short-term economic and localized interests, neglecting long-term and overall benefits such as cultural heritage and social values. This oversight leads to disordered publicness and externality from an economic perspective, inadequate systematicness and coordination from an administrative perspective, and deviations in social adaptation and support from a sociological perspective. Consequently, this situation fosters imbalances in development strategies, resulting in various manifestations of spatial injustice.
张颖岚, 刘骋. 城市建成区大遗址空间正义研究:现象、问题与本质[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024, 54(12): 17-29.
Zhang Yinglan, Liu Cheng. Research on Spatial Justice in Urban Built-up Areas with Large-scale Archaeological Sites: Manifestations, Issues and Essence. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2024, 54(12): 17-29.
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