Abstract:The overall value presents the cultural characteristics of the cultural routes and embodies the spirit of the route, which is the core of the interpretation of the cultural route. A cultural route is a site and monument agglomeration with specific functions composed of “sites-routes-areas”. Each site not only has its inherent value but also supports the value of the specific function routes. And the routes form a network to constitute an area, and the area shows the overall value of the route, thus forming an overall value interpretation system of micro value based on individual sites, meso value related by routes, and macro value presented by area.The “Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor”, as a prominent proof of multicultural exchanges and an outstanding example of natural and cultural diversity, has been listed in the World Heritage List. Through on-the-spot investigation and research on the 22 sites already included in the Silk Roads in the China section, the following problems in the interpretation of the overall value of the Silk Roads have been found: (1) Too much emphasis is placed on the introduction of the inherent value information of individual elements, while the interpretation and explanation of the meso and macro values are ignored. (2) The content of the interpretation of the micro value information is simple and homogeneous, and the presentation methods are similar, which reduces the attractiveness of sites and weakens the dissemination ability of the overall value. (3) For a site that constitutes the relevance of the meso value, during the interpretation process, too much emphasis is placed on the inherent value of the individual elements, while the presentation and display of the relevance are ignored, making it difficult to show the meso value, resulting in the phenomenon of “only seeing the sites but not the routes”. (4) In the sites and routes that show specific functions, there is almost no interpretation of the macro value information, making it difficult to present the overall value and to manifest the Spirit of Silk Roads.In order to realize the holistic and systematic protection of the Silk Roads and promote the Spirit of Silk Roads, first of all, we should start from the analysis of the overall value of the Silk Roads, that is, the statement of the outstanding universal value of the Silk Roads is the macro value, the connections between sites and between sites and specific function routes are the meso value, and the inherent value of each site is the micro value.Secondly, in each site, the relevant clues showing the meso value should be presented through theme signs, so that the public can construct associated individual element groups through the signs when visiting the sites and understand the meso value of routes.Thirdly, through multiple special-line themed tour routes, the routes form a network, allowing the audience to appreciate and understand the macro value of them and experience the Spirit of Silk Roads through visiting and experiencing.Finally, with the Digital Silk Roads as a supplement, a three-dimensional and diversified interpretation system is formed to show the overall value of the Silk Roads. Through a series of strategies for applying for World Heritage status, in the future, more sites of different types and showing different levels of the overall value of the Silk Roads will successively join the “big family”. According to the overall value interpretation framework system, that is, showing characteristics, being harmonious while being different, and also embodying the systematicness and integrity of the Silk Roads, sharing beauty together, the effective dissemination of the Silk Roads value can be realized.
单霁翔, 周剑虹. 丝绸之路中国段遗产整体价值阐释策略研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024, 54(12): 5-16.
Shan Jixiang, Zhou Jianhong. Interpretation Tactics of the Overall Value of Silk Roads in China Section. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2024, 54(12): 5-16.
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