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浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2024, Vol. 54 Issue (3): 138-149    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2023.08.291
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华中师范大学 文学院,湖北 武汉 430079
The Pursuit of Chun (Taste) in Classical Chinese Poetics
Li Cheng
School of Chinese Language and Literature , Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

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摘要 “醇”来自中国古代早期的制酒工艺。由味觉体验而及美学意味,“醇”在儒家政教礼乐秩序中被赋予了醴厚丰熟的象征意味,道家学说中的“醇”更多表现为一种自然美学境界,又被作为个体精神气质向度上的一种美学特质。“醇”在唐代开始进入诗学范畴。宋代确立起“醇”的辨味诗学。宋人谈论诗味,更为注重其内在的丰富性和品评之中的辨别比较,丰富性主要体现在批评话语方面,由“醇”而派生出的“醇淡”“醇深”“醇粹”等词语时见于宋人日常文字,品评之细致则以“醇醨异味”话题的讨论最为典型。“醇”及其所生发的概念在明代成为复古诗学标举格调、宗尚以及诗歌辨体批评的常用语词。复古诗学还从创作和接受层面提出了“醇味如一”“自别醇醨”等有意味的话题。“醇”在清代诗学语境中展开了更为多样的层面,官方话语着意阐发其儒家政教意味之“醇和”,士人表达强调以学问之“醇”重建风雅正统,诗学批评则标举“醇”之典范。
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关键词 诗学范畴批评话语    
Abstract:The concept of “Chun (醇)” comes from the early wine-making process in ancient China. Wine is closely related to rituals and music. Because of its thick and unmixed quality, “Chun” has been endowed with the symbolic meaning of richness and maturity in the politics and religion and the orderliness in rituals and music in the context of Confucianism. The concept of “Chun” in Taoism is more manifested as beauty of heaven and earth in the realm of natural aesthetics. In the early aesthetics, “Chun” also has a connotation that refers to the beauty of people’s spiritual temperament. Qu Yuan’s Yuanyou established “Chun” as an aesthetic style in the dimension of people’s individual spiritual temperament.In the late Tang Dynasty, marked by Sikong Tu’s explicit pursuit of “Chun beauty” in poetry creation in, “Chun” began to enter the category of poetic aesthetics. Compared with Sikong Tu’s perceptual aesthetic pursuit of “Chun beauty”, people of the Song Dynasty paid more attention to its inherent richness and discrimination and comparison in the evaluation of poetry. The richness is mainly reflected in the critical discourse. The expressions of “light Chun”, “deep Chun”, “pure Chun” derived from “Chun” were found in the daily writings of the Song Dynasty. The meticulous evaluation is the most typical discussion on the topic of “thickness and thinness of wine”. In the poetic critical discourse of the Song Dynasty, some poets such as Tao Yuanming and Du Fu of the previous dynasty were regarded as models of “Chun”. Going back further, the source is the classic The Book of Songs. The Song Dynasty advocated academic culture, which manifested itself in poetics by emphasizing poets’ inner cultural accomplishment. Only by taking knowledge as the basis for poetry can one reach the realm of “Chun”. Retro style was the main trend of poetic thought in the Ming Dynasty. Retro poetics placed particular emphasis on style and differentiation. “Chun” and the concept derived from it became common terms in retro poetics during the Ming Dynasty to highlight style and sect, as well as to criticize poetry styles. The group of retro poets constructed retro poetics from multiple theoretical levels, and the interpretation of “Chun” is also closely related to retro thought. The poetics of the Qing Dynasty is closely related to social reality and academic atmosphere. “Chun” developed into more diverse levels in the poetic context of the Qing Dynasty. The official discourse deliberately elucidated its Confucian political education implications. Scholars expressed their emphasis on the learning of “Chun” to rebuild elegance and orthodoxy. The Qing Dynasty was an era when poetry creation and poetic theory flourished. When people in the Qing Dynasty studied and discussed poetry, they still regarded “chun” as a typical aesthetic pursuit of classical poetry. When discussing the Tang and Song poetry,the Qing Dynasty often referred to the Tang poetry as “Chun” and praised Tang poetry as elegant and proper. In the Qing Dynasty,the poetry creations of Tao Yuanming and Du Fu were still regarded as models of “Chun”. “Chun” became a specific poetic category bestowed upon scholars by the Qing Dynasty poetics as “Poetry of Scholars”. The use of “Chun” from the process of making wine to discussing poetry is full of its unique interest and evolving diversity in Chinese classical poetics. Through the diachronic description of the interpretation of “Chun” in the important poetics of various generations, we can deeply explore the integration of “Chun” with politics, thought, and academics, thereby presenting the vitality and richness of Chinese classical poetics reflected by “Chun”.
Key wordsChun    poetics    category    critical discourse   
收稿日期: 2023-08-29     
作者简介: 李程(https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2446-1843),男,华中师范大学文学院副教授,硕士生导师,文学博士,主要从事中国古典诗学、明清文学与文献研究;
李程. 辨味言诗:论中国古典诗学中的“醇”[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024, 54(3): 138-149. Li Cheng. The Pursuit of Chun (Taste) in Classical Chinese Poetics. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2024, 54(3): 138-149.
https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2023.08.291     或     https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/Y2024/V54/I3/138

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