Abstract:Sinologists are the driving force contributing to the spread of Chinese civilization and participating in its mutual integration into world cultures. For more than 300 years of development, Russian sinology has made an invaluable contribution to the study of Chinese civilization and has become an integral part of world sinology, giving the world a great number of brilliant scholars. One of them is Artem Igorevich Kobzev, an outstanding contemporary Russian specialist in Chinese philosophy. Kobzev’s first steps in studying Chinese culture date back to the period of secondary school. This was followed by some important academic achievements in the study of classical and ancient philosophy, as well as translations of classics of philosophical literature. He was awarded the Russian Federation National Award and the Award for Special Contribution to Chinese Literature.Kobzev adheres to the tradition of Russian sinology, in which translating and researching are inseparable parts of one whole. Using verified authentic documents, relying on the Russian academic school identity, Kobzev formed a philosophical research paradigm covering ancient and modern history and representing a consistent comparative analysis of the Orient and West cultural features. The unique research paradigm created by Kobzev deserves serious attention from young scientists. Over the past fifty years of academic research, Kobzev made an outstanding contribution to the interpretation and dissemination of ancient Chinese philosophical thought in the Russian-speaking world, mainly focusing on the following four aspects.Firstly, at the end of the 1970s, while the study of Chinese philosophy in the Soviet Union had not completely get rid of the dualism of idealism and materialism, Kobzev, however, considered Wang Yangming as a representative of the highest development period of Chinese domestic philosophy before the spread of the Western scientific achievements in the Orient and boldly suggested that Yangming Teaching belongs to subjective materialism, or subjective naturalism. Based on the Yangming Teaching, Kobzev carried out reconstructions of the ideas of ancient Chinese philosophy, considering naturalism its most fundamental feature, and emphasizing the status of ancient Chinese philosophy as an indefeasible part of the world philosophy. Secondly, in the 1980s Kobzev proposed to study symbols and numbers in The Book of Changes from the point of view of the methodology of ancient Chinese philosophy, which opened up a new direction for The Book of Changes study in Russia. Comparing the methodology of Chinese and Western philosophy, he noted that unlike the method of formal logic, which dominates Western philosophy, the orthodox method of ancient Chinese philosophy is similar to mathematics. This method and naturalism correlate as form and content and together they created the landscape of ancient Chinese philosophy. Thirdly, since the beginning of the 1990s, Kobzev has participated in the compilation of various encyclopedias, including the Spiritual Culture of China in six volumes, which has become an important milestone in the history of Russian Sinology. The book rejects the standard model of discourse in its Western interpretation, seeks to create a space for Chinese-Russian cultural dialogue and emphasizes the highest cultural level of Chinese civilization. This level allows us to consider the world as a single and indivisible whole, thus clearly confirming the value of traditional Chinese thought for modernity. Fourthly, for more than 30 years, Kobzev has been translating into Russian not only the classical Da Xue (The Great Learning), but also a number of ancient Chinese treatises related to Da Xue. At the same time, he conducted a textual analysis, studied the origin and evolution of Da Xue, tracing its spread in Russia and reflecting the results in different editions of translations. In doing so, he created a brilliant example of an academic translation of Chinese classics.
袁淼叙. 汉学家科布泽夫的中国古代哲学研究与翻译[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2023, 53(7): 137-145.
Yuan Miaoxu. Kobzev’s Contribution to the Study and Translation of Ancient Chinese Philosophy. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2023, 53(7): 137-145.
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