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浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2024, Vol. 54 Issue (7): 147-160    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2023.12.221
□ 公共管理研究 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
中国计量大学 公共事务系,浙江 杭州 310018
A Study on the Systematic Optimization of Village-level Power Supervision Mechanism: Based on the Research Path of Theoretical Basis, Policy Basis and Practical Analysis
Wang Jiegui
Department of Public Affairs, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China

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摘要 村级权力监督机制是实现村级权力监督有效运行的有机系统,由村级权力监督关系、机制运行方式和机制运行配套制度三个核心要素组成。权力监督理论可促进村级权力监督机制的理论创新。20多年来,中央一号文件中的村级权力监督政策可为村级权力监督机制优化提供政策依据。村级权力监督机制存在权力监督关系稳定性不足、复杂化和不对等,机制运行方式不完善,以及机制运行配套制度不健全等困境。通过厘清村级权力的监督主体和监督客体、明晰村级权力监督关系、提升监督权力的自主性和独立性,可改进村级权力监督关系。村级权力监督机制应推进权力监督方式、法律监督方式、道德监督方式和权利监督方式的优化。健全村级权力监督机制运行配套制度的关键是实现制度的有效供给、高效运行和效能提升。
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关键词 村级权力权力监督机制系统优化    
Abstract:The systematic dilemma of village-level power supervision mechanism leads to the lack of effectiveness of village-level power supervision, and the existing studies of village-level power supervision mechanism have limitations such as unclear definition of core concepts, unclear theoretical basis, insufficient policy basis and lack of systematic practical analysis. Given the systematic dilemma and theoretical research limitations of the village-level power supervision mechanism, it is of theoretical and practical significance to follow the research path of concept definition, theoretical basis, policy basis, system dilemma, systematic optimization path and explore the systematic optimization path of the village-level power supervision mechanism. Theoretically, it can break through the limitations of the research of the village-level power supervision mechanism, and in practice, it can provide the theoretical basis, policy basis and optimization path for the improvement of the village-level power supervision mechanism.Village-level power is the decisive force in the administrative domain of the village for democratic elections, democratic consultations, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervisions. The village-level power supervision mechanism is an organic system to realize the effective operations of village-level power supervision, including the three core elements of village-level power supervision relationship, mechanism operation mode and the supporting institutions of mechanism operation.The practice of the power supervision theory in the primary level of rural areas can promote the theoretical innovations of the village-level power supervision mechanism. Marxist power supervision theory can promote the innovations of the village-level power supervision theory. Democratic supervision theory can promote the innovation of village-level democratic supervision theory. Social power theory can promote the innovation of village-level multi-subject power supervision theory. The theory of institutional change can promote the theoretical innovation of village-level power supervision mechanism optimization.For more than 20 years, the village-level power supervision policy of China’s “No. 1 Central Document” has evolved along the path of standardizing supervision behavior, innovating supervision institution arrangements, innovating supervision mechanism and improving the efficiency of supervision mechanism. The construction of village-level power supervision mechanism is the inevitable result of village-level power supervision policy evolution and policy practice; the village-level power supervision mechanism has gone through three stages—village-level democratic supervision mechanism, village affairs’ supervision mechanism and the diversification of village-level power supervision mechanism; the optimization of village-level power supervision mechanism can promote the improvement in supervision efficiency. Village-level power supervision policy provides a policy basis for the systematic optimization of village-level power supervision mechanism.The village-level power supervision mechanism has systematic difficulties. First, there are insufficient stability, complexity and imbalance. Second, the operation mode of village-level power supervision mechanism has four problems: weak power supervision mode, inefficient legal supervision mode, weak moral supervision mode and poor right supervision mode. Third, the village-level power supervision mechanism operation supporting institution is not sound.The systematic optimization path of the village-level power supervision mechanism is as follows: first, clarify the subject and object of the village-level power supervision, clarify the relationship of the village-level power supervision, and enhance the autonomy and independence of the supervision power; second, the village-level power supervision mechanism should promote the optimization of the power supervision mode, legal supervision mode, moral supervision mode and right supervision mode; third, the key to improving the supporting system of the village-level power supervision mechanism is to realize the effective supply, efficient operation and efficiency improvement of the institutions.
Key wordsvillage-level power    power supervision mechanism    systematic optimization   
收稿日期: 2023-12-22     
作者简介: 汪杰贵(https://orcid.org/0009-0004-9671-6587),男,中国计量大学公共事务系副教授,硕士生导师,管理学博士,主要从事农村治理、权力监督和社会资本等方面的研究;
汪杰贵. 村级权力监督机制的系统优化研究——基于理论基础、政策依据、实践分析的研究路径[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2024, 54(7): 147-160. Wang Jiegui. A Study on the Systematic Optimization of Village-level Power Supervision Mechanism: Based on the Research Path of Theoretical Basis, Policy Basis and Practical Analysis. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2024, 54(7): 147-160.
https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2023.12.221     或     https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/Y2024/V54/I7/147

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