Influence of Overseas Education Experience on Voice Behavior of College Teachers: Based on Imprinting Theory
Chen Xiao1,2, Liu Zijia3, Shen Yan4
1.School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China 2.Institute for Industrial System Modernization, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China 3.School of Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China 4.Jing Hengyi School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310012, China
Abstract:“If you listen to both sides, you will see clearly.” The voice behavior of overseas high-level talents is an important factor in promoting the development of colleges and universities. Voice behavior is divided into promoting voice behavior and prohibiting voice behavior. Promoting voice behavior is the accelerating behavior in which an individual constructively encourages something to happen. Prohibiting voice behavior is an individual’s inhibiting behavior to challenge the status quo and make something disappear. At the individual level, the factors affecting voice behavior are personality, cultural values, working state, cognitive style, and individual goal orientation. Whether overseas education experience affects college teachers’ promoting voice behavior and prohibiting voice behavior is less explored, and there has been no in-depth study of the underlying mechanisms of overseas education experience on promoting voice behavior and prohibiting voice behavior among higher education teachers. Based on the emerging imprinting theory, this paper first analyzes how overseas education experience affects college teachers’ promoting voice behavior and prohibiting voice behavior, and further analyzes the moderating effects of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction on the relationship between overseas education experience and voice behavior of college teachers. Secondly, using the data consisting of 714 questionnaires from universities in Zhejiang Province, the empirical research shows that overseas education experience has a significant positive effect on promoting voice behavior and prohibiting voice behavior of college teachers. Both job satisfaction and perceived organizational support negatively moderated the relationship between overseas education experience and promoting voice behavior, but they had no significant moderating effect on the relationship between overseas education experience and prohibiting voice behavior. This paper contributes to the prior literature in both theoretical and practical aspects. From a theoretical perspective, this paper applies “imprinting theory” to the research field of organizational behavior, and explores the influence of overseas education experience on the voice behavior of college teachers as well as its mechanism in the context of Chinese colleges and universities, which not only enriches the academic research on antecedent variables of voice behavior but also enriches the situational research on voice behavior. From a practical perspective, driving the voice behavior of college teachers with overseas education experience can meet the needs of “the right time, the right place, and the right people” for the high-quality development of colleges and universities in the new era. The “right time” means that today’s world is experiencing a great change that has not happened in a century. As the trend of “rising in the East and falling in the West” gradually becomes obvious and the performance of the Chinese economy is increasingly strong, many overseas high-level talents are returning. Universities have become the highland where all kinds of overseas talents gather, and the group of overseas teachers is growing. “Right place” means that colleges and universities take talent training and knowledge innovation as the core. In the process of forming a good educational atmosphere and promoting knowledge innovation, the institutions and environment of colleges and universities have a high degree of fault tolerance for opinions and suggestions from different groups such as teachers and students. “Right people” means that overseas high-level talents usually have advanced ideas and strong thinking abilities, and can put forward feasible solutions to some difficult problems with creative thinking, which plays a significant positive role in the high-quality development of colleges and universities. Therefore, the research conclusion of this paper provides a useful political reference for colleges and universities to effectively manage the advice of overseas high-level talents, promote the democratic management of colleges and universities, ensure the realization of connotation development of colleges and universities, and improve the quality of education and teaching and the overall level of running a school.
陈晓, 刘子嘉, 沈嫣. 海外教育经历对高校教师建言行为的影响研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2023, 53(5): 20-35.
Chen Xiao, Liu Zijia, Shen Yan. Influence of Overseas Education Experience on Voice Behavior of College Teachers: Based on Imprinting Theory. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2023, 53(5): 20-35.
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