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浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)  2022, Vol. 52 Issue (1): 94-103    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2021.06.114
主题栏目:语言与认知研究 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
毛延生1, 何刚2
1.哈尔滨工程大学 外国语学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
2.华东师范大学 英语系,上海 200061
Self-awareness, Criticism and Optimization of the Paradigm of Chinese Pragmatics: Enlightenment from Emancipatory Pragmatics
Mao Yansheng1, He Gang2
1.School of Foreign Studies, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
2.English Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200061, China

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摘要 由日本语用学家Sachiko Ide等自2007年提出的解放语用学范式尝试挣脱西方语用学理论体系的束缚,为中国语用学研究范式的凝练与更新提供了重要参考。因此,系统地研究解放语用学产生的背景、架构及其运作,具有一定的学科观照意义,也是进一步结合当前国际和国内语用学发展态势,开展中国语用学当下境遇与未来走向的客观批评与提升文化自觉性的重要前提。具体来说,第一,解放语用学的目的与原则可以看作中国语用学研究范式自觉的起点;第二,解放语用学的范式与应用可以看作中国语用学研究范式批评的重点;第三,解放语用学的价值与启示可以看作中国语用学研究范式优化的焦点。上述几点共同展示了中国语用学学者向国际语用学界贡献中国智慧、中国理念、中国方案的可能路径。
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关键词 中国语用学研究范式文化自觉批评优化解放语用学语言多元性    
Abstract:Initiated by the Japanese pragmatist Sachiko Ide and others ever since 2007, Emancipatory Pragmatics is intended to break away from the shackles of theoretical systems of Western pragmatics, which provides a significant reference for the refinement and renewal of Chinese pragmatics paradigm. Therefore, it is of some disciplinary values to systematically delve into the background, structure, and operation of Emancipatory Pragmatics, which is also an important premise to conduct in-depth criticism and cultural awareness of Chinese pragmatics in the current state and future through further integrating the growing trends of pragmatics both in China and abroad. To be specific, firstly, the purpose and principle of Emancipatory Pragmatics can be regarded as a departure point of being self-aware for the paradigm of Chinese Pragmatics. Ontologically, the reflexivity of pragmatics as an extra trait is an important precondition for upgrading pragmatic theories in terms of their current states and future transformation from the perspective of Emancipatory Pragmatics. Epistemologically, pragmatics can be further stipulated into cultural and historical differences by integrating academic foci and the commitment of knowledge community. Methodologically, the consistency between Emancipatory Pragmatics and empirical social science not only helps bridge different views, but also reveals these differences as potential breakthroughs for the further development of pragmatics. Secondly, the paradigm and practice of Emancipatory Pragmatics can be taken as the focal points for the criticism of Chinese Pragmatics. According to Emancipatory Pragmatics, the classic pragmatic theory is actually the result of regionalized conceptualization, which is a world view projected through the lens of specific language and culture. Accordingly, taking “Ba (field)” as the starting point of pragmatics is vital to highlight the language use that has been underattended in the past. Through the integration between the inseparable primary Ba and the secondary Ba with an increasingly clear relationship between the two sides of communication, language users enjoy a kind of self-flexibility, which can enable the socialized subject to flexibly identify the relationship with others and get it manifested with language choice. Thirdly, the value and enlightenment of Emancipating Pragmatics can be viewed as the foci to optimize Chinese Pragmatics as a paradigm. First of all, from the perspective of Emancipating Pragmatics, the current pragmatics research as a paradigm is confronted with a historical transformation on how to secure a problem-motivated paradigm on the basis of non-Western facts of language use, which demands the theoretical construction and interpretation of pragmatics transformation with the help of language use facts in Chinese. Next, through focusing on the Eastern facts of language use, Emancipating Pragmatics is bold enough to grow out of the influence of West-centeredness as a traditional paradigm, which highlights its own pragmatics orientation embedded in culture. Last but not least, the value of Emancipating Pragmatics regarding its scientificity lies in the fact that it points out the way-out forward for Chinese pragmatics to make contributions to the global academic community based on its own localization. The above findings together give a full display of one possible path for Chinese pragmatics researchers to contribute “China’s Wisdom, Ideas and Plans” to the international pragmatics community.
Key wordsChinese pragmatics    paradigm    cultural self-awareness    criticism    optimization    Emancipatory Pragmatics    linguistic diversity   
收稿日期: 2021-06-11     
作者简介: 毛延生(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5684-6481),男,哈尔滨工程大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师,语言学博士,主要从事文化语用学、媒介话语传播研究;;何刚(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7361-5012)(通信作者),男,华东师范大学英语系教授,博士生导师,语言学博士,主要从事文化语用学研;
毛延生, 何刚. 中国语用学研究范式的自觉、批评与优化[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2022, 52(1): 94-103. Mao Yansheng, He Gang. Self-awareness, Criticism and Optimization of the Paradigm of Chinese Pragmatics: Enlightenment from Emancipatory Pragmatics. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2022, 52(1): 94-103.
https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/10.3785/j.issn.1008-942X.CN33-6000/C.2021.06.114     或     https://www.zjujournals.com/soc/CN/Y2022/V52/I1/94

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