Abstract:The Treaty of Tordesillas (Portuguese: Tratado de Tordesilhas, Spanish: Tratado de Tordesillas, hereinafter the Treaty) signed and ratified by the governments of Portugal and Spain in 1494 brings everlasting and profound influences to the global order. It marks the starting point of the shaping of modern global order and provides foundations on which modern international law is based.The Tordesillas Line, a line of demarcation 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands dividing the non-Christian world between Castile and Portugal, distinct from the Papal Line, marks the first real attempt to demarcate the mainlands and islands in the world, thus is understood as the very beginning of the Western colonial empires to have an extra-territorial jurisdiction over the people and things in the world and to forge the modern global order.As an example of the Nomos der Erde, the Treaty was the first attempt in history to demarcate, divide and arrange all lands, the mainlands and islands, found and discovered already or to be found and discovered hereafter, in the world. It, also being the earliest attempt to coordinate the legal boundary with the geographical boundary, promoted people’s cognition and theory of the borders. The Treaty, which is more than a century earlier than the Peace of Westphalia, along with the legal practices between the Portuguese and the Spanish during the Age of Discovery, have already embodied some characters of modern international law. Guided by the Treaty, the Europeans managed to adjust international relations with the non-European countries using the Europe-centered international law rules for the first time. The examples aforesaid offered the origin of thoughts and the guidance of conducts to the foundation of the System of Westphalia and the order of modern European international law system. The Treaty’s being used to regulate over the terra Antarctica also appears to be in need of examination.As an example of the Nomos der Ozean, the Treaty celebrates not only the inauguration of a centuries-old contest among Western colonial empires’ discourse over the ocean but also marks a great leap of legal thoughts and ocean philosophy. In today’s UNCLS, concepts like the right of innocent passage and the EEZ can find their origins of thoughts in the Treaty.As a pivotal treaty of pre-modern international law, the Treaty acts as an important practice of discourse. Portugal and Spain framed the first global order of discourse with the Bulls and treaties. The aforementioned order of discourse, while helped the shaping of the first global empires in history, also planted concepts such as “two hemispheres” and “East and West” in people’s minds. In the meantime, it became a source of the theory of hierarchy of civilizations.As an inchoate bilateral treaty, limitations in the text of the Treaty, the uncertainty of the location of the Tordesillas Line and the undefined way of delivery of land in particular need to be noticed. These details were later utilized as excuses by the contracting parties to violate the Treaty itself, and the emerging European powers also took advantage of those vague expressions as breakthroughs of the global order forged by the Iberian Countries. Portugal and Spain had agreed to ask the Pope to sanction any violation of the Treaty by the two sides, only to find that the influence of the Holy See declines over time in the secular affairs, and the Tordesillas global order faces its apparent destiny of reshaping.Using analysis of “Discourse-Power”, this article places the Treaty in the framework of pre-modern international law to dissect the Papal Bulls and their mechanism of effect, to discuss the discourse and social practices of modern international law including nomos and hierarchy of civilizations within the text of the Treaty, to unveil the impact of the Treaty on the foundation of the modern global order, and to investigate the ideological basis of the modern international law.
屈文生, 王孜政. 《托德西利亚斯条约》与世界秩序的形成[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2021, 51(3): 166-181.
Qu Wensheng, Wang Zizheng. Treaty of Tordesillas and the Shaping of the Global Order: Origin of the Modern International Law. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2021, 51(3): 166-181.
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