A unique decision model which consists of CPC committee initiative and NPC deliberation has formedin decision procedure of significant policy owi ng tothe Dual-track political systemin China . The model varies in different historical periods , which mi rrors changes in the relationship bet ween the ruling party and government in contemporary China . The evol ution of the model means the development of the ruling party leaders' ideas on democracy and relationship bet ween party and government , showi ng theinstitutional change which makes the role orientation of CPC committee and NPC in the policy process more perspicuous and stable . Historical researches indicate there is a significantly positive correlation bet ween social development of China and the position of NPCin the decision model . The decision model which consists of CPC committee initiative and NPC deliberation establishes firml y the NPC as the supervisor on decision of significant policy , and provi des systemsupport to democratization , scientification and iuridification of decision . In order to keep balance and har mony bet ween CPCcommitteeinitiative and NPC deliberation , the structure of decision power should be optimi zed .