Under the threat of the globalecologicalcrisis,Christianity theoreticallyconstructs the theology of nature in response. The theology of nature transcends the traditional theology's historical view and extends its care to the wholecreature world,which makes us abandon thedualismof mankindandnature,andovercome theanthropocentrismat the same time .Process Theology as Christian theology of nature is basedon Whitehead's philosophy and puts much emphasis on the continuity between mankind and nature froma pan-experimentalist perspective to provide the Churches with a philosophical demonstration for the latest phrase″the integrity of creation″. Meanwhile,Process Theology insists on theocentrism instead of anthropocentrism from a Biblical perspective and explains the interaction between God and the world according to the pattern of internal relations . When it comes to the field of practice,Process Theology contains both theecological and sociological cares as a trulyinclusive theologyof nature.