Qing Ci and Qing poems or the poetic theory of Qing Dynasty are closely related . Certain intractable problems which have constantly been puzzling academic field of Ci-poems could be well resolved by studying the poems as well as the poetic theory of Qing Dynasty . Hardly identified is″ben shi″from the comment″better than benshi's long poem″by Tan Xian on″Mo yu er :Ting Baisheng Pipa″written by Chen Weisong of early Qing Dynasty . In Fact ,″benshi″refers to Chen's teacher Wu Weiye while the″long poem″is Wu's″Pipa Xing″. Some unavailable vital information of a probably missing masterpiece Benshi Ci , including writer's name , title , birthplace and the scale of original edition ,may be retrieved with the enlightenment from relevant anthologies : Liangzhe Youxuan Xulu and Suhaozhai Shichao . Guixiu Cihua written by Shen baoshan was occasionally mentioned in Hui feng Cihua Xubian by Kuang Zhouyi . Accordingly , Scholars are often misled to believe that GuixiuCihua is virtually a book . However , GuixiuCihua is an informal appellation of Mingyuan Shihua by Shen Shanbao .