Abstract:The supervision and governance system of state-owned assets in state-owned central cultural enterprises has particularities and is worth special study. Based on the combing of public regulations, rules and other normative documents, it can be understood that central cultural enterprises need to emphasize the commonality of modern enterprises and state-owned enterprises on the horizontal “latitude”, and highlight content management on the vertical “longitude”. Supervision and management rules clearly require central cultural enterprises to place social benefits before economic benefits. The supervision of state-owned assets and governance of central cultural enterprises can be divided into three main parts: internal governance bodies highly integrated with the Party Committee of the enterprise, different competent departments corresponding to different individual enterprises, and the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and Ministry of Finance as comprehensive supervisors. The Ministry of Finance is mainly responsible for state assets and capital matters of central cultural enterprises. In terms of “managing affairs” which means approvals of major matters in the enterprise, and “managing people” which means appointment and removal of enterprise managers, the supervision and management system related to cultural enterprises is stricter than that of ordinary state-owned enterprises. The Ministry of Finance and the Publicity Department will make joint decisions. Competent departments bear important supervisory and management functions in managing people, affairs, and assets of central cultural enterprise, and are a “barrier layer” in the information flow. Major matters of central cultural enterprises and the appointment and removal of managers are first reviewed and agreed upon by their respective competent department, and then submitted by their respective competent departments to the Publicity Department and the Ministry of Finance for approval. The latter does not need to follow unified written rules or standards, and has a large discretion in decision-making, with the characteristics of “one enterprise, one policy”. The relevant decisions have an internalized management color rather than an externalized regulation color and are generally not subject to judicial review. According to their own positioning and level within the system, or the actual management methods, the competent departments of cultural enterprises do not constitute a leadership and subordinate relationship with the Publicity Department and the Ministry of Finance, but a cooperative relationship, forming an “inverted triangle” governance structure with the enterprise. In the future supervision of state-owned assets of central cultural enterprises and the reform of state-owned enterprises, in order to more effectively achieve the effectiveness of supervision powers, management powers, and operational rights, a possible plan is: the functions of the Publicity Department and the Ministry of Finance should be more oriented towards the supervision of state-owned assets, and the competent departments which are ministries and commissions under the State Council can gradually be replaced by established state-owned capital operating companies or restructured state-owned capital investment companies to implement more typical shareholding and market-oriented operations, and synchronize the construction of the state-owned capital operation company law and other systems; the competent departments that need to be retained can implement administration in a more standardized and enterprise-oriented manner through appointing or removing managers instead of directly deciding business issues; the governance effectiveness of the board of directors can also be further strengthened; in cultural enterprises, the board of directors integrates multiple interests in a trustee model rather than a participatory model, so as to pursue social benefit.
缪因知. 中央文化企业国资监管和治理的特质与革新[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2025, 55(2): 113-129.
Miao Yinzhi. Characteristics and Reform of State Asset Supervision and Governance of Central Cultural Enterprises. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, 2025, 55(2): 113-129.
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